Thursday, November 26, 2009

Closing down logo-land - a reflection on an interesting lecture

On wednesday the 25. of november I attended a very interesting seminar held by Morten Østergaard and Tomas Olesen, who recently published the book "Luk logoland - en bog om intelligent sponsering" - in English - "Close Down Logo-Land - a book on intelligent sponsorships".

In short, they argue that one should break with the myths that

a sponsorship is a medium
Everybody loves a sponsor
Succes is measured by exposure of logo

Instead, the sponsor should move towards dialog and involvement of target audience, and instead of talking about them selves, talk about the love towards the taget-audience's feelings concerning fx. the sponsored football team.

Morten and Tomas did furthermore argue that sponsorships is about emotions and this approach should in the future be even more used, as a sponsorship show and facilitate passion, goodwill and loyalty through the image-link from sponsor to sponsorship-taker - as long as it is done in a intelligent way.

And by considering intelligent sponsorships, you would end up somewhat in between the first movie and the following intelligent sponsorship-campaigns:

All the best - Bjarke Petersen

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1 comment:

  1. Would livestrong and Nike fit into this category? That is sponsorship that creates emotions!
    - Katrina
